Your “YES”
Can you believe how fast time is moving? The end of this month concludes the first quarter of the new year. As the race against time continues, are you convinced that your year will amount to something significant when it is all said and done? Do you want to KNOW that 2025 counted for something bigger than YOU?
We all recognize life sometimes feels mundane and inconsequential. How can you make a difference that really matters? Mother Teresa once said, “We fear the future because we are wasting today.” But what does “today” need to look like for it not to be a waste? God gives us some needed answers in His Word.
More than once, Hebrews chapter 3 admonishes us: “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts...” It is a simple first step: a relationship with God, based in trust and obedience, is the foundation. When we listen to His voice and follow His leading, we will make an impact. But HOW does that flesh out in our day-to-day? While we are all called to fellowship with Him, we do not all function the same way. He will lead you according to His grace on your life and empower you by His Spirit to accomplish what pleases Him. He requires your “yes”.
Since the writing of last month’s newsletter, Rosa and I were very blessed to spend time with our two youngest daughters—Auria Perera and Rosa Pelham—when they came to Peru to work alongside us. We greatly enjoyed them both being with us and appreciate the support they have sown into Home of Refuge over the years. We would like to share with you a few words from Auria about why she made the trip and how it impacted her. We believe it will bless you to read this.
“The main reason I visited Peru was to spend time with my father, then to participate in the ministry to the elderly. Every month I help make the newsletter, and I read about the elderly. The ministry to the elderly may seem as a minor ministry compared to saving the orphan children, but that’s an illusion. Where we see the protection of innocence for the little ones, we forget that ministry to the elderly is symbolic of the gospel. It’s a ministry of second chances. Yes, the elderly have already lived a large part of their lives, but they are still humans and in need of help, in need of a savior - spiritually and in physical needs. It’s a reminder that God doesn’t forget us, doesn’t discard us because we are not as useful as we used to be, and doesn’t love us any less.
How ironic that God is using an elderly man to minister to the elderly (he is oftentimes older than the elderly to which he ministers). It’s another reminder that God can use anyone to fulfill His purposes; we just have to be available and willing. All we have to do is say, ‘God, here I am. Use me.’
What surprised me while being there is what they did for us! I wanted to give of my time and finances to support this ministry, but I left blessed. They gave of their time to make us presents. My sister and I left with four items: a manta (blanket used to carry children), a shawl for me and a sweater for my sister, a bouquet of flowers, and fresh strawberries. The manta was handmade with intricate details. It was my third reminder that when you give to God, God reciprocates with more. You cannot out give God!”
Watching our youngest two daughters minister to the elderly touched our hearts, too. Oh, what God will do with a heart that says yes to Him!
Our vision is to expand the ministry, to make 2025 count in greater ways than 2024 did by reaching more people. There are many impoverished elderly in all the communities around the area. We can feed and clothe them and meet their physical needs, as well as bring the gospel to them. But we cannot do it without help. Even Mother Teresa needed the help of others to accomplish the amazing work she spent her life on. She said the following words, well worth remembering. “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” And “It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
This is where we need your “yes”. Will you say yes to this invitation to make today count for something much bigger than you? Your financial assistance—given with great love—is one simple way to do great things for God.
Thank you for your faithfulness,
Tony and Rosa Rivera
Home of Refuge International, Inc.