Support the mission of
Home of Refuge today.

Give a gift to support our ministry outreaches in Peru.

Scan the QR to give today.

Your generous donation supports our mission to uplift and support vulnerable communities in Peru, helping us create lasting change and hope.


  • Every dollar you give helps to provide food and clothing, medical attention, education, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  • Yes! When you give to Home of Refuge International, you can choose to make a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation. Simply scan the QR code below to select your preferred option.

  • Currently, we do not offer individual child sponsorship. However, your generous donation will help meet the needs and support the wellbeing of every child in our ministry.

  • We invite churches and community groups to partner with Home of Refuge International. To get involved and coordinate mission trips, simply fill out our contact form and connect with our ministry.