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Home of Refuge International, Inc.
Phone: (239) 290-9313
P. O. 68
Buckhead, GA 30625
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In the high altitude of Veronica Mountain, their tiny huts speckle the landscape. They live from day to day with no electricity or running water, their bodies beat down by the hardships of manual labor in the cold, wet climate of their agricultural setting. Their feet are bare or at best, shod with sandals, and life is difficult for them. This indigenous group has very little connection to centralized government or relationship with the community in closest proximity to them. Tucked away on their mountain, planting and harvesting potatoes, they are a forgotten people…out of sight and out of mind. But it was not always this way. For centuries, the Andes Mountains have been home to descendants of Inca Indians, and during the late 14th and early 15thcenturies, the Inca Empire extended across ancient Ecuador, Peru, northern Chile, Bolivia, upland Argentina, and southern Colombia, with nearly 10 million subjects under their rule. A closer look at Inca history provides insight into their ancestry and shows us how they have been a people in search of truth yet never quite finding it.
The first emperor (Pachacuti) of the Incas instituted the official worship of “Inti”—the “sun god”—and built him a wondrous temple. Thus, they came to be called “Children of the Sun.” Isn’t it ironic that in worshipping the sun, they have only remained in darkness? Now, as Rosa and I reach out to the indigenous people living scattered throughout Veronica Mountain, we bring to them the message of the true SON-God—Jesus—the only Light of the World worthy of worship. It reminds me of a similar situation in Acts 17 where Paul preached Jesus to the Athenians who were “religious in every way” and yet lacked a knowledge of the truth. We are very grateful for the generous way that you have afforded us this opportunity by your giving.
In fact, during our most recent trip to Peru, it was YOUR generosity that opened before us a door for the Word. Proverbs 18:16 says that “a man’s gift makes room for him.” With your financial support, we brought gifts that created an enormous space in their hearts for us to fill with the love and words of Jesus! Good-quality ham and cheese sandwiches, individual fruit juice bottles, candy, brightly colored t-shirts, and additional clothing and school supplies (the latter two donated by our dear friends from Conifer, Colorado) were among the items we gave to them before Rosa opened the Bible and shared with them the message of God’s salvation. They are very open to the gospel. I have a desire to see the entire mountain community come to know Christ, and I believe that it is for this purpose that we have been led by God to these people. Upon returning to the States, their memory kept me awake for hours that first night; sleep evaded me as I contemplated reaching them for Christ. I believe we are to do it! Will you help me? I (Tony) have a great desire to purchase for them a transformer that will supply solar system electricity to their “school” (which is held in a modest, single-room, stone building). That is our next financial need, and as I recall the joyful expressions on their beautiful faces and think of how they need to know JESUS, I boldly ask you to respond again this month with tremendous generosity so that we can supply them with this gift and minister to them the Word of God. Imagine what a sight it will be to one day look upon that great multitude of people mentioned in Revelation 7:9 “…from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” I don’t want to see them missing from that crowd. Do you?
We are grateful to the group from Conifer, CO that came with us to help us minister in Peru. Thank you! And a special “thank you” to Mathew Wynn who remained in Lima after we departed so that he could serve the children and be a blessing to the orphanage.
The children in the Lima orphanage are doing well. We were able to supply for their monthly utilities and to pay for Will’s current college courses. We also visited the girls’ home in Cusco and provided them with food, candy, and gifts. Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting us to reach out to the children of Peru. We also deeply thank you for your prayers! Tony continues to heal from knee surgery, which is a blessing!
In closing, our ministry motto has always been: “Saving the Lost, Loving the Unloved.” Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost, and He sends us out to do the same…whether at the orphanage in Lima that is home to many special boys, or amidst the forgotten, indigenous people on the cold mountainside of Veronica Mountain. We need your help to make it happen. Will you help us reach them?
With Gratitude,
Tony and Rosa Rivera
Home of Refuge International, Inc.
Tony and Rosa are very faithful, reliable, honest people. They are the hardest workers we have ever seen; their leadership qualities have encouraged many people to help others. Whatever Tony and Rosa decide to do, they do with excellence and perseverance. They are great people and we are privileged to know them.
Ed and Mona Shirley
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Co.