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Home of Refuge International, Inc.
Phone: (239) 290-9313
P. O. 68
Buckhead, GA 30625
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While we in America move towards the “dog days of summer”, in the Southern Hemisphere the children of Peru are bracing for their fast-approaching winter weather. For us, it is the season to pull out flip flops, summer sandals, and tank tops, but in Peru the last month has been spent preparing for how to keep a house full of young boys warm as the temperatures drop and the cold settles in for the winter. We are grateful to report that each child has 2 new sets of sheets, with pillowcases, and 2 new blankets in order to keep warm at night in the upcoming months. Your giving has made this possible. James 2:16 states, “If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” You have done more than wish them well. You have given to ensure that they are warm and well fed, and for this we are very grateful.
During our trip to Peru last month we were also able to purchase athletic shoes for some of the children, in addition to the blankets, sheets, and pillowcases. It is always a joy to provide shoes for the children to wear, be it shoes for church and school or shoes for athletic use. But this particular trip, our hearts were touched in a special way as we watched our dear friend Mary Jean Powers heed the words of James 2:16 during her visit to the orphanage. Mary Jean and Rosa noticed 13-year-old Christopher standing there in the orphanage with his ragged and broken shoes on his feet. Approaching the boy, Rosa asked Christopher how he had come to live in the home. Looking into Rosa’s face, Christopher explained with sadness how his mother could no longer take care of him and how she had come to the orphanage seeking help. This all-too-common plight happens to woman after woman…and therefore, child after child…when husbands abandon their place in the family, leaving behind wives who must go out in search of work to make ends meet. Unfortunately, without the husband to provide, the “ends” rarely meet, and the children are left alone with no supervision—a sure beckoning to a life on the streets. Hearing his story and seeing his broken shoes, Mary Jean was moved with compassion to purchase a brand new pair of shoes for Christopher. It wasn’t enough to just wish him well. He needed shoes! You don’t know how happy these children get when they receive a pair of shoes. Christopher’s expression when she gave him the shoes said it all!
We were able to cover the utilities and purchase another month’s worth of food for the home. Thank you for making this possible; we are grateful for your support.
The orphanage is in need of kitchen supplies, pots, and pans. The health department came to inspect the home and told the directors that they needed to replace the kitchen sink and countertops, which are all cement, with stainless steel versions. We will need additional finances in order to take care of this for the orphanage. They cannot cover this required cost without us, and we need your help. Thank you for following James 2:16 this month and sending whatever you are able to send in order to help these young brothers remain “warm and well fed.” It is encouraging to know that earlier in the book of James, the Holy Spirit tells us, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Your simple giving to this need is accepted as a pure and faultless token of your relationship with Him. He grants us practical ways to love Him well…and rewards us for them. What an amazing Father!
In closing, I (Tony) ask that you pray for my speedy healing as I recover from a knee surgery I had on May 6. Thank you for your love and support. Rosa and I are appreciative of you as we co-labor together in the gospel.
Grace and peace to your heart,
Tony and Rosa Rivera
Home of Refuge International, Inc.
Tony and Rosa are very faithful, reliable, honest people. They are the hardest workers we have ever seen; their leadership qualities have encouraged many people to help others. Whatever Tony and Rosa decide to do, they do with excellence and perseverance. They are great people and we are privileged to know them.
Ed and Mona Shirley
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Co.