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Home of Refuge International, Inc.
Phone: (239) 290-9313
P. O. 68
Buckhead, GA 30625
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We are certainly not saved by them. In fact, if we do good works outside of Christ Jesus, they have no more value than that of a dirty rag. But, according to Ephesians 2:10, IN CHRIST JESUS we have been created to do good works that our Father has prepared ahead of time for us to accomplish. God prepares the works for us, invites us into the opportunities, graces us with all that we need in order to do them, reveals Himself through them, and rewards us eternally for our partnership in His kingdom. Have you considered that God has already prepared certain works for you to do—works that are uniquely designed for you to fulfill…to the glory of God? We are helping children in Peru because long ago, God prepared that opportunity for us and has led us to do it while He provides for us what is needed to accomplish the task. You, too, have been designed with special works that God enables you to do for His glory. The offerings that you give to help feed the children and supply for their daily needs, the prayers that you pray for them…these are works that you do because God prepared them for you long ago, and He will reward you for your participation in His work. Consider what an unspeakably great honor it is to be invited into the work of God. We rejoice in His grace that makes it all possible.
To update you briefly on the Santa Maria Children’s Home, the children are all doing well. They are still enjoying their summer vacation, which ends the second week of March. As one of their vacation trips on Friday, the directors will take the children to the beach so that they can continue to enjoy every minute of their remaining time before classes resume.
The chicken farm is also doing well. The first week of March is projected as our first “harvest”, after which point we will begin preparing ourselves for the second round of chickens. We are thankful that everyone is learning a lot during this process and doing a good job with the project. Thank you for your giving, which helps to supply the orphanage with this agricultural opportunity, preparing them for a brighter future.
As we close this letter, may the grace of the Lord enable you to faithfully fulfill every good work that God leads you to do, and may your heart rejoice in knowing that He is faithfully completing IN YOU the work that He has begun.
For His Glory
Tony and Rosa
Home of Refuge International
Tony and Rosa are very faithful, reliable, honest people. They are the hardest workers we have ever seen; their leadership qualities have encouraged many people to help others. Whatever Tony and Rosa decide to do, they do with excellence and perseverance. They are great people and we are privileged to know them.
Ed and Mona Shirley
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Co.