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Home of Refuge International, Inc.
Phone: (239) 290-9313
P. O. 68
Buckhead, GA 30625
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“Can you give me a pair of shoes so I can go visit my mom in the hospital?” young Runaldo asked us as he looked up into our faces, scanning them for compassion. Looking down at his feet, our hearts were touched when we noticed the tattered shoes that he was wearing. It was true; he needed shoes, and the ones on his feet weren’t going to do the job. Even more compassion filled our hearts as he proceeded to pour out the story of how his mom and little brother had been hit by a taxi. The accident resulted in the death of his 4-year-old brother, and his mom had already lost one leg, with the possibility of losing the other leg still pending. This small boy—waiting there in the Santa Maria Children’s Home for our arrival—simply wanted a pair of shoes so he could wear them to the hospital to visit his mom.
We had arrived at the orphanage only minutes before. Upon our arrival the children came running to greet us, crowding around us with great joy and expectation on their faces. We had brought with us some underwear and a few other things that had been donated for the children by various sponsors. As Rumaldo put forth his request, Tony looked inside of the bag we had packed containing the donated items, and we were overjoyed to witness that there sat a perfect pair of shoes for Rumaldo. What a fresh reminder to our hearts that God cares about every need, and His timing is perfect! We had gotten there just in time for this young boy to go see his mom. We were very thankful to have been able to supply him with shoes.
Currently, there are 70 children in the home, and they love to hang around us the entire time we are there. Of course, we buy them lollipops, soft drinks, and pie, which is a true treat for them…not to mention the fun we have watching them savor the flavors they only taste when we are present. We were also able to stock the orphanage pantry again this month with all of the needed supplies, pay their utilities in full for the month, and purchase much-needed plates, cups, and silverware (60 of each), as well as 12 pitchers. You made this possible with your support! For all of these blessings, we want to express our deepest thanks to each of you who have prayed and financially given to make this a reality. I tell you, without your participation we do not have the means to carry on this work. God is using YOUR gift, small or large, to sustain an entire orphanage in Lima, Peru!
As we close this newsletter this month, we ask you to pause and consider the immense gladness of heart that Rumaldo felt when we looked in our bag and were able to pull out a pair of shoes that worked perfectly for his need! What does that tell him about God? Doesn’t it make it easier for Runaldo to grasp the love of God when we now tell him about how God cares? You know it does. On that note, we present to you another need, which is every bit as important in communicating God’s heart to these children. They are in great need of a special stove that is designed for extra large pots; it will cost approximately $2,000.00. Additionally, the kitchen sink needs repairing, and the children continue to need more underwear and shoes. We know and believe that this is not a difficult thing for the Father. He knew about Runaldo’s need before we did, and had already seen to it before we even had knowledge of the fact. Please ask the Lord what He might invite you to do this month to meet the rest of the needs we have mentioned. I know He will supply. Thank you for prayerfully considering your participation.
Lastly, please pray for Rosa as she recovers from surgery; she has an appointment with an oncologist on Sept. 23 to set things up for radiation. We will give a more complete report on Rosa’s progress next month.
Grace and peace,
Tony and Rosa Rivera
Homes of Refuge International
Tony and Rosa are very faithful, reliable, honest people. They are the hardest workers we have ever seen; their leadership qualities have encouraged many people to help others. Whatever Tony and Rosa decide to do, they do with excellence and perseverance. They are great people and we are privileged to know them.
Ed and Mona Shirley
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Co.