Phone: (239) 290-9313

2015 – August



The ministry of Reconciliation

That God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself,” the Scripture describes, and He has given us this same “ministry of reconciliation.” This month I want to lift the veil, so to speak, and offer you a closer look at how this ministry of reconciliation is transforming beloved children in Peru.

IMG_3180He had long ago lost the contest for his mother’s love and attention. Luis Orlando just wanted a mother (or a father…or anyone!) to care for him, yet day after day he was completely neglected. Nothing is known of his father. And preferring to spend her time with her alcohol, Luis Orlando’s mother passed her days and nights with a bottle, while 11-year-old Luis tried to “perform” well enough on the streets to earn a meal! He would do “flips” and “acts” on street corners during the day, hoping to be given money for his performances so that he could buy some food. However, when the authorities found him, he had not eaten for days and was very unkempt. “When she drinks a bunch of alcohol, she hits me a lot and sends me to sleep,” Luis recounted. Not wanting to give up her alcoholism, she gave up her son instead, preferring that Luis go to live in the orphanage to receive a better life. And so, gratefully, we now have the powerful opportunity of showing Luis Orlando what God looks like wrapped in skin: that God is attentive, that He provides for us, and that He cares! Luis Orlando needs to know this is true. In this ministry of reconciling him to God, we believe that Luis will experience restoration and healing. Our focus for now is to give him a lot of love, attention, and prayer.

So what does “God with skin on” look like for the rest of the children who are not as new to the orphanage? For Marco Antonio, God in the flesh is someone DSC_0837trustworthy. Little Marco Antonio was taught by his relatives to steal, and because he only knew deception, he has not been able to trust anyone. But God wants Marco Antonio reconciled to Himself…the REAL Him. To the degree that he beholds the truth of how God is, young Marco has the opportunity to become like Him. And so, we patiently love on Marco Antonio, teaching him that Jesus is the Truth, and allowing God—through us—to build trust in his heart.

1llegadaFor Harold, God is one who will never hurt him. But He’s also the One who loves and accepts Harold with no strings attached, and who truly cares about Harold. You see, when Harold didn’t sell enough ice cream, he was beaten at the end of the day by his grandmother and uncle. These repeated beatings left scars on his chest and belly, and fear in his heart. Now, as this ministry of reconciliation works through us to impact Harold’s life, he is learning that God never changes based on Harold’s performance; God is always the same, and He is always LOVING Harold!

For Robert, “God with skin on” must be a provider and a giver. Robert had an abnormal curvature of the spine that had left him hunchback and progressively deformed. His condition developed into a life-threatening one, requiring an operation if he was to survive. There were no funds to cover such a surgery, even with government assistance…until this ministry—through your giving—stepped in and provided what Robert needed. Now God, IN US, is teaching Robert what God looks like as a benevolent Father, a healer, and a restorer of HOPE. Robert successfully underwent surgery and can stand up straight for the first time in a very long time. He is not only learning that God sees his needs, but also that God meets his needs.julio 022

All of the children, like all of us, have “lenses” through which they view God, based upon their past experiences. We know that God has given us a powerful ministry of reconciliation whereby God through us (IN us) is restoring their hearts to Himself. It is not easy; neither is it glamorous. It is challenging! It is relentless in its trials, but eternal in its rewards. I take time to remind you this month of your value in this ministry of reconciliation. In “lifting the veil” to give you a better glimpse of what happens through the ministry of Home of Refuge, I cannot fail to mention how much your giving and your prayers have made it possible for even one to be rescued, to be restored. God has not changed: He still chooses to “put skin on” in order to reconcile the world. Only this time it is you and I.


  • Already in the home for a few weeks now, Luis Orlando is very happy and is adapting to the household. There are some hurdles he needs to overcome, such as learning to connect his verbal expressions, learning to read and write and to tie his shoes, and learning that he is now in a place where he can let down his guard and begin to develop trust. Please pray for Luis Orlando.
  • The orphanage home repairs continue to progress; last week the step railing that was required for the home was completed.
  • Because of God’s provision through givers like you each month, we continue to supply for the full utility and grocery bills that the orphanage has on a monthly basis. We are grateful for your partnership in this ministry of reconciliation that we share in Peru.
  • We have successfully relocated our home office and residence to Buckhead, GA. We are hopeful that this transition will be a blessing to this ministry as we continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Grace and peace,

Tony and Rosa Rivera

Home of Refuge International


Tony and Rosa are very faithful, reliable, honest people.  They are the hardest workers we have ever seen; their leadership qualities have encouraged many people to help others.  Whatever Tony and Rosa decide to do, they do with excellence and perseverance. They are great people and we are privileged to know them.

Ed and Mona Shirley
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Co.